HTtools maps and quantifies retrotransposon integrations. Sequence reads matching the end of the retrotransposon LTR are trimmed of the LTR end and screened against sequences indicating non integration-specific fragments (PBS sequence, LTR-circle, donor plasmid, retrotransposon internal sequences and restriction enzyme recognition site). Reads are then mapped to genome and sorted according to uniquely mapped, mapping to multiple positions and mapping to homologous recombination sites. Uniquely mapped reads are positionned relative to ORF.
The full processing pipeline is included in a Snakefile and can be configured using a config yaml file. Upon success, an html summary file is generated. It contains interactive histograms of integration genomic distribution, distribution relative to ORFs, heatmap of the most targeted regions and links to the output TSV files.
Modification of the config.yaml file and rerun of the pipeline will only trigger the rerun of affected rules.
Each individual step scripts can also be run independently by command line.
A set of S. pombe genome references and parameters are included in HTtools by
default. Other genomes can be added to the database
directory and specifying
the paths in the config.yaml file. See section Adding custom genome, annotation
and homologous recombination references.
Four versions of S. pombe genome are currently included:
2008 release
2012 release
2008 release plus the sequence of the expression plasmid pHL2882
2012 release plus the sequence of the expression plasmid pHL2882
Experimental setups with and without Serial Number are supported, as well as integrase-frameshift and native integrase.
Parameters that are typical of the Tf1 retrotransposon are used in the
configuration files.
For long-term reproducibility, it is recommended to set up a copy of the HTtools directory per project and to use an environment manager such as conda (bioconda) to install the dependencies required. We recommend creating such an environment in each project directory. This allows the versions of all installed packages to be maintained independently of any other projects or software on the system.
HTtools Github repository¶
The Github repository can be found at
Either download the zip file or clone the repository with git
navigating to the location where you want to clone HTtools and
git clone
Software installation¶
Installation of all dependencies is handled by conda, ensuring reproducibility, streamlined setup, and no need for root administrator privileges.
Use bioconda to automatically install software into the working directory without needing admin rights on the machine.
If you have the Anaconda Python distribution, you already have conda. Otherwise, install Miniconda.
1. Creating a new conda environment¶
Create a top-level environment with the workflow requirements in the
HTtools directory. It needs to be activated any time you’ll be working
with this workflow. It is recommended to use the -p
option to create
the environment in the current directory. This makes it easier to track
the environment used for each project. HTtools has been implemented and tested
in Linux and MacOS environments. Other platforms are not currently supported.
Navigate to your HTtools directory.
In a Linux system, create the environment using the requirements-linux.yaml
conda env create -p env/ --file requirements-linux.yaml
In a MacOS system, create the environment using the requirements-macos.yaml
conda env create -p env/ --file requirements-macos.yaml
2. Activating the environment¶
Navigate to your HTtools directory and activate with:
conda activate env/
Eventually when you’re done, you can “deactivate”, which removes the environment location from your $PATH until the next time you activate it.
conda deactivate
3. Running the tests¶
The shell script will run HTtools on Serial Number and non Serial Number test datasets, and compare the output files to the expected outputs. This ensure reproducibility by verifying that the current tools and packages versions are giving the expected results. This needs to be done only once after installation.
If everything went fine, the following message will be displayed
Test passed successfully
If the results generated in the current environment differ from the expected results, the following error message will be displayed
Error(s) found, see test/diff-test-screen-full.log
The differences found between the expected and the newly
generated test results are listed in the file test/diff-test-screen-full.log
for debugging.
Configuring the workflow¶
Create a configuration file config.yaml
in the HTtools project directory.
Two templates config-Tf1.yaml
and config-Hermes.yaml
are included
as examples, containing default parameters typical of Tf1 and Hermes respectively.
Adjust the parameters to match your experiment design.
All sample information and workflow configurations are specified in the
The following fields need to be adjusted for each individual run:
experiment name. Should be unique in the project directory to avoid overwritting of results. All results will be stored in a directory labelleddata/{name}
list of path(s) to the fastq file(s). Path(s) are relative to the HTtools directory. Can be a.gz
block: The sample block must be copied for each sample (typically for each barcode). It must start with a unique name and contains the fields:barcode_start
position in the sequence reads of the barcode start. Indicatenone
in absence of barcode.barcode_length
lenght of the barcode. Indicatenone
in absence of barcode.sequence
expected sequence, from the barcode (included, if applicable) to the end of the LTR. Note: if a Serial Number is included, it must be indicated withx
whether the integrase was native (wt
) or frameshift (fs
). This matters for shifting / not shifting the coordinates by the length of the Target Site Duplication (TSD).lib_design
whether the sequence reads originate from theU5
(downstream) or theU3
(upstream) end of the retrotransposon.SN_position
(optional) start position of the Serial Number, indicate ‘none’ if no SN was used.SN_length
(optional) length of the Serial Number, indicate ‘none’ if no SN was used.
Exemple block:
# sample block ----------------------------------------------
barcode_start: 1
barcode_length: 4
integrase: wt
lib_design: U5
SN_position: 28
SN_length: 8
# sample block ----------------------------------------------
genome built. Current available options are:1
: 2008 release2
: 2012 release3
: 2008 release plus the sequence of the expression plasmid pHL28824
: 2012 release plus the sequence of the expression plasmid pHL2882
Additional genome references can be added. See section Adding custom genome, annotation and homologous recombination references.
whether to output (True
) or not (False
) fastas of trimmed sequence reads corresponding to the positions in the integration files. Sequences are trimmed after the end of the LTR and are replicated as many times as there were duplicate sequence reads.exclude
positions to exclude, in the format chromosome_coordinate_orientation, i.e.chr1_240580_-
Those positions will be screened out from the true_integrations and written in
for reference.Indicate
if no position should be excluded.
Advanced parameters include legacy_mode (see section legacy_mode changes
for details), reference sequences used for screening, blast parameters, and are also specified in
the config.yaml
file. Those parameters do not typically need to be modified between experiements
as long as the experimental design remains identical. See the section Default advanced
parameters, as well as the example files located in test/config/
the templates config-Tf1.yaml
and config-Hermes.yaml
for more details.
Indicate none
in a filtering step parameter to skip this filtering step.
Running the workflow¶
The workflow performs the following tasks:
screening of fastq files for non specific sequence reads
mapping of the screened reads to the reference genome using
filtering of the blast results for uniquely mapped reads
positioning of the insertions relative to ORFs and quantification
plotting of results and creation of summary html file
(optional) creation of fasta files containing reads that correspond to the integration files
Since HTtools is based on Snakemake, the entire workflow can be executed on a single machine, submitted to a cluster, or run on cloud platforms (see the Snakemake documentation for details on these execution methods).
Running on a local system¶
HTtools can be run on a laptop, but due to the computational complexity, library size, and number of insertions in an experiment it may take many hours on a laptop.
With the environment activated, navigate to the HTtools directory and run the workflow:
snakemake --config fn=config.yaml --cores=1
Alternatively, to only trigger the re-run of rules affected by parameters that were modified in config.yaml
, run
the following:
snakemake --config fn=config.yaml -R `snakemake --config fn=config.yaml --list-params-changes` --cores=1
--config fn=config.yaml
indicates the location of your configuration file. This is assuming a file namedconfig.yaml
in the HTtools directory. This is a requirement argument.
the command
snakemake --config fn=config.yaml --list-params-changes
lists the files affected by any parameter changes done in theconfig.yaml
file since the last snakemake execution.-R
triggers the rules that produce those files, effectively re-processing and updating any result file dependent of the changed parameters.--cores=1
sets the number of cores used by the workflow to 1.--cores=1
will work on any system; optionally adjust the number of cores according to your system’s specifications for optimized speed.log and error messages are indicated within the
Upon success, results can be found in the directory data/{name}
where name
is the experiment name provided in
the config.yaml
file. See section Output files of interest
for details.
An error is raised and the workflow is aborted when a sample does not return any read.
This is generally due to an error in the sequences specified in the config.yaml
A modified fastqscreen log file data/logs/fastq_screen_{name}_{sample}.error.txt
is generated and contains
the number of reads passing / blocked by each of the sequence filters for debugging.
Running on a SLURM cluster¶
Optionally HTtools can be run on a cluster. A wrapper file is included for running on a SLURM cluster. Other types of clusters should work (see Snakemake docs) but have not been tested.
sbatch --cpus-per-task=4 scripts/WRAPPER_SLURM config.yaml
adjust the number of
to your system’s specifications.when running parallel jobs, log and error messages are not indicated within the
file but can rather be found in logs/{}.{jobID}.e
Running individual scripts¶
Alternatively, scripts for the individual steps can be run independently. See individual scripts code for usage.
This can be useful for example to position the multimatch integrations relative to ORFs. In this example, a multimatch integration file is processed through the location step. From the HTtools directory:
python scripts/ --integration path/to/data/{name}/filterblast/integration_multimatch_file.txt
--config path/to/config.yaml
then the output
can be
processed through the ORFmap step. From the HTtools directory:
R -e "rmarkdown::render('scripts/results.Rmd',output_file='../wanted/path/to/results.html', params=list(configfn='../path/to/config.yaml'))"
(please note the ../
in the output and params arguments, the paths
must be relative to the results.Rmd file)
Adding custom genome, annotation and homologous recombination references¶
The pipeline contains by default a set of S. pombe releases. Adding new references can be done by following the steps below.
Create a custom genome database from a reference fasta file using the tool makeblastdb
from the NCBI BLAST+ tool suite ([Camacho_et_al.,2009]_). makeblastdb
is included in the conda environment.
makeblastdb -in {genome.fasta} -out {genome.fas} -dbtype nucl -logfile logfile.txt
A BED6-formated file can be used as custom annotation file. BED6 contains the columns chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, name, score, strand. The score is not used by the pipeline and can be set to any value.
Copy the created *.nhr, *.nin, *.nsq files, fasta and annotation files
to the directory HTtools/database/{new_database_name}
Update the advanced parameters in the config. The relevant keys are:
A custom version of a retrotransposon preexisting insertions can be used to detect possible homologous
recombination. Prepare BED6-formated files corresponding to the 3’ terminal repeat outmost coordinate (U5),
to the 5’ terminal repeat outmost coordinates (U3) and to single repeats (solo-LTR) that originated from
excision of a retrotransposon. Note that the outmost coordinate corresponds to the 3’ extremity if the library
was sequenced from U5 or to the 5’ extremity if the library was sequenced from U3. Copy those files to
the directory HTtools/database/{new_preexisiting_coordinates_name}
Update the paths to preexist_ltr
in the Advanced parameters section of the
YAML configuration file accordingly.
Output files of interest¶
Output files of interest:
: summary report containing interactive figures and links to all result{name}/filterblast/integration_{sample}.txt
: contains the list of integration positions with the number of associated sequence reads. If the experiment set up includes Serial Number, the last 2 columns indicate the number of independent integration events and the number of sequence reads{name}/location/true_integration_{sample}.txt
: integrations minus the positions matching homologous recombination sites and optionnaly the positions to{name}/location/homol-recomb_{sample}.txt
: potential homologous recombination events filtered out from integration_{sample}.txtdata/{name}/location/ORF_{sample}.txt
: lists the ORFs and the corresponding number of{name}/location/intergenic_{sample}.txt
: lists the intergenic regions and the corresponding number of{name}/location/location_{sample}.txt
: integration positions with assignment to ORF or intergenic{name}/ORFmap/ORFmap_{sample}.txt
: table summarizing the % of integration within intervals upstream, downstream and within{name}/logs/log_*.txt
: summary of sequence read and integration numbers.
legacy_mode changes¶
When legacy_mode
is set to True
in the config.yaml, the pipeline
follows the behavior of the HTtools perl scripts suite [Esnault_et_al_2019] on which
HTtools_py was based.
- Esnault_et_al_2019
Esnault C., Lee M., Ham C, Levin L. Transposable element insertions in fission yeast drive adaptation to environmental stress.
This section describes the relationship between the legacy tools and
The perl scripts
screened out sequences with
>= 2 mismatches to end of LTR, or non-specific sequences. This should
have been > 2 to allow up to 2 mismatches. legacy_mode=False
up to 2 mismatches.
To determine whether the read is multimapped or uniquely mapped, the
perl version compares all the matches, and assign to multi only if all
the matches are within the threshold. It seems more appropriate to at
first only looks at the top 2. If the best match is within the evalue
threshold of the second best, then assign to multimatch any sequence
within the threshold of the top match. legacy_mode=False
follows the
The upstream distances to nearest ORF were off by 6 nucleotides in the
perl scripts. Distances to downstream were correct.
fixes this issue.
The perl script
was counting the header line as
an integration SSP, thus increasing the total number of SSP by 1. Fixed
with legacy_mode=False
The sequences characteristic of SpeI incomplete are located ~70 bp from the begining of the sequence reads. The SpeI incomplete sequence would partially fall outside of the sequence read when the sequencing length was 100bp. Longer reads (150bp) are prefered for this reason, although the 100bp still allow SpeI incomplete correct assignment in most cases.
Sequence distances calculations are using different packages between perl and python scripts. Out of 10,000 reads, tests showed 100% of identical assignment between the original perl script and the updated python version for non SN reads. 0.01% reads were assigned to SpeI incomplete in in python but not in perl out of 10,000 reads with SN (100bp reads).
The filtering was sequential in the perl version, and was processed
slightly differently between the SN and non SN version. I.e. SpeI
incomplete is only counted if the sequence was neither categorized as
plasmid, nor ltrcircle in the SN version. The non SN version counts any
SpeI incomplete. This may change the numbers within the filtering
categories but does not affect whether a read is filtered out. This
behavior is conserved in python when legacy_mode=False
Default advanced parameters¶
HTtools performs a series of filtering steps on the sequence reads that are defined in the
Advanced parameters section of the config.yaml
file. Those filters were
developed to screen out reads that were non-specific of bona-fide Tf1 integrations,
but can be adjusted to filter other sequences. The table below gives the specifics of each filter.
Indicate none
to disable a filter.
Filter key |
Match position |
Allowed mismatches |
Filtered out |
Purpose (exemple of Tf1) |
immediately after end of retrotransposon |
yes, set with
yes |
screens out reads from amplification of donor plasmid |
immediately after end of retrotransposon |
no |
yes |
screens out reads starting with Primer Binding Site (PBS), indicating RNA intermediate structure |
immediately or 1bp downstream end of transposon |
no |
yes |
screens out reads starting with MseI restriction site (or 1bp downstream), indicating ligation of 2 restriction fragments and preventing accurate mapping |
anywhere in trimmed sequence read* |
yes, set with
yes |
screens out abherant sequences resulting from LTR-circles |
specific distance from end of transposon,
set with |
yes, set with
yes |
screens out incomplete secondary restriction digest, resulting in sequencing Tf1 internal sequences |
anywhere in trimmed sequence read* |
yes, set with
no |
quantifies the number of sequence reads containing the ligation linker sequence. For informational purpose |
trimmed sequence read indicate trimmed of end of transposon reference sequence (in sequence
of sample block)
Exemple block:
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Advanced parameters
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Those parameters do not typically need to be modified.
# Filters against linker, ltrcircle, plasmid, primary_incomplete,
# second_incomplete and pbs are optional. Indicate 'none' to skip
# those filters.
legacy_mode: False # whether to enable legacy_mode
length_to_match: 34 # length of the end of transposon and of filtering sequences that will be matched to sequence reads during fastq filtering
min_length: 14 # minimum length for trimmed reads to be processed
allowed_mismatches: 2 # number of mismatches allowed when filtering fastqs for end of transposon, and ltrcircle, second_re and linker filters
linker: TAGTCCCTTAAGCGGAG # linker sequence to be filtered out
ltrcircle: # sequence of terminal-repeat circle to be filtered out for U5 and U3 libraries
plasmid: # sequence of donor plasmid to be filtered out for U5 and U3 libraries
U3: none
primary_re: # name of primary restriction enzyme for U5 and U3 libraries
U5: MseI
U3: MseI
primary_incomplete: # sequence of primary restriction site to be filtere out for U5 and U3 libraries
second_re: # name of secondary restriction enzyme for U5 and U3 libraries
U5: SpeI
U3: BspHI
second_incomplete: # sequence of secondary restriction site to be filtere out for U5 and U3 libraries
dist_to_second_incomplete: # distance between end of transposable element end and position of secondary_incomplete sequence for U5 and U3 libraries
U5: 28
U3: 22
pbs: # primer binding site (PBS) sequence to be filtered out for U5 and U3 libraries
tsd: # length of target site duplication (TSD) in wild-type and frameshift integrase context
wt: 5
infs: 0
blastview: 6 # view parameter for blast results. Modifying the output format might interfere with subsequent screening steps
blastevalue: 0.05 # evalue threshold for blast
max_score_diff: 0.0001 # evalue ratio threshold to assign a read to uniquely mapped or multi-location mapped
orf_map_interval: 100 # length of intergenic intervals in histograms of distribution relative to ORF
avg_orf_length: 1500 # average ORF length; will determine the number of within-ORF intervals in distribution relative to ORF
orf_map_window: 5000 # span of distance to plot in histograms of distribution relative to ORF
genomedb: # path to the different versions of genome fasta reference files
1: database/2007/chr123.fas
2: database/2012_ASM294v2/chr123.fas
3: database/2007_with_pHL2882/chr123pHL2882.fas
4: database/2012_ASM294v2_pHL2882/chr123pHL2882.fas
genomevs: # name of the different versions of genome fasta reference files
1: v07str
2: v12str
3: v07pHL
4: v12pHL
preexist_ltr: # path to the annotation files for homologous recombination screening, for U5 and U3 libraries
ltr5: database/LTR_2012_ASM294v2/Tf2_5_LTR.txt
ltr3: database/LTR_2012_ASM294v2/Tf2_3_LTR.txt
sololtr: database/LTR_2012_ASM294v2/solo_LTR.txt
ltr5: database/LTR_2012_ASM294v2/Tf2_5_LTR-U3.txt
ltr3: database/LTR_2012_ASM294v2/Tf2_3_LTR-U3.txt
sololtr: database/LTR_2012_ASM294v2/solo_LTR-U3.txt
genomecds: # path to the different versions of annotation reference files
1: database/2007/cds.txt
2: database/2012_ASM294v2/cds.txt
3: database/2007_with_pHL2882/cds.txt
4: database/2012_ASM294v2_pHL2882/cds.txt
# List of chromosomes of interest
# The integration log file will give for infomration purpose the count within each chromosome
# in the reference genome, but only the chromosomes from the list below will be included
# in the output files integration, intergenic, ORF, location, ORFmap, logoDNA
1: short_chro_list
2: full_chro_list
3: short_chro_list
4: full_chro_list
- chr1
- chr2
- chr3
- AB325691
- chr1
- chr2
- chr3
Change log¶
Generalize steps to run HTtools on different platforms
Added capability to run jobs in parallel on HPC
Screen out a list of positions to exclude
Plot correlation heatmaps
Full rewrite in python
Added a results summary html output
Added interactive heat maps of the most targeted intergenic regions and most targeted ORFs
Version httools.2.0
Fix for U3 workflow the ‘BspHI incomplete screen’, orientation of integration, recombination events coordinates, and removed the ‘plasmid’ screen
Added workflows for integrase-independent experiments (IN-indpt) for U5 and U3
Filter out sequence reads matching LTR circles
Screen out multimatch insertions based on blast e-values rather than blast bit scores
Added screen from U3 transposon end
Allowing compressed fastq.gz as input file