Genomics overview¶
Recent reviews are probably the best place to get an overview of high-throughput sequencing.The goal is not to understand everything discussed in these reviews, rather, the goal is to get exposed to terminology, get a big-picture overview of the process and limitations, and prime yourself for further reading. You’ll probably get a lot more out these by re-reading them after you gain some experience. The rest of this page will be about the specifics, and getting more experience.
This review article from Molecular Cell gives a good overview of high-throughput sequencing. It’s fairly up-to-date, comparing Illumina with Pac Bio, Nanopore, and Ion Torrent as well as giving a brief overview of the kinds of assays that are commonly performed.
Here are some recent reviews on specific assays:
Review on RNA-seq:
Review on ChIP-seq:
Review on SNV calling:
2016 review of sequencing technology:
The site “SequencEng” has interactive flowcharts of high-throughput sequencing techniques, along with tool suggestions. This can be useful for getting a big-picture view of the steps of various workflows.
Genome Browsers¶
As with any data analysis, the first thing you should do with your data is to visualize it. Genomic data is no different, so it makes sense that the first thing to learn about high-throughput sequencing is how to visualize it. When we look at file formats below, loading them in a genome browser will help you understand them better.
You will probably always be learning new things about these browsers; for now just install/load them and poke around to get a feel for them. Below we’ll upload specific files to experiment with.
IGV (Integrated Genome Viewer) is a standalone Java program. It’s best used for local data, and excels at detailed looks at BAM and VCF files. Since it can read files straight off disk, this is the preferred option for data that can’t be made public.
UCSC Genome Browser¶
The UCSC Genome Browser is a web-based browser. It looks like the design hasn’t changed since the 90s, but it is extremely powerful and is constantly updated. It has a tremendous amount of data already loaded, and is best used for sharing data with others or comparing with existing data.
Other genome browsers¶
SeqMonk has some interesting visualization options
WashU Epigenome Viewer allows visualization of long-range interaction data like Hi-C
File formats¶
The field has settled down into a reasonably small set of file formats that are commonly used by various tools. Getting to know these file formats and what they are used for is important for understanding how to use various tools. Some exercises are provided below to reinforce what you’ve learned in “Getting started on the command line”. There are some useful hints provided as well.
For example, an RNA-seq experiment will start with FASTQ files from the sequencer. You’ll need to align these to the genome to create BAM files, and then count reads in genes where the gene annotations are provided in a GTF file.
For a ChIP-seq experiment, you’ll start with FASTQ files, align them to the genome to get a BAM, and then call peaks to get BED files you can view in a genome browser.
For variant calling, you’ll start with FASTQ files, align them to the genome to get a BAM, and run variant-calling tools to get a VCF file you can view in a genome browser.
An aside¶
Some of the file formats described below are position-based. Please read the following posts talking about 0-based and 1-based coordinate systems to figure out what this means:
Raw reads come off the sequencer in FASTQ format. Each read is represented by 4 lines only one of which is the sequence itself. Note that there is no genomic position information in a FASTQ file. It has to be aligned to a reference sequence to figure out where each read came from. The wikipedia page on FASTQ is probably the best resource for learning about this format and its sometimes-frustrating idosyncracies:
Here is an example FASTQ file, gzipped:
Since FASTQ files do not have coordinates, we cannot visualize these files in a genome browser.
How many reads are in this FASTQ file? (command at the bottom of this page if you need help)
What quality score encoding does it use?
When FASTQ files are aligned to a reference genome, the output is typically a BAM format file (or sometimes the uncompressed version, SAM files). There is lots of information in each line of a BAM file. The BAM specification gives excruciating detail on this format, but is worth reading through. You will probably re-read that document many times over your career, don’t worry if you don’t fully understand it! Important parts to grasp this time around are the FLAG field, where and how genomic coordinates are stored, and that chromosome information is stored in the header int the @SQ lines. Section 1 is the most important part:
To experiment with visualization, scroll down to Example #1 on this page:, and view the BAM in UCSC Genome Browser.
Then download the BAM file from that example ( You will also need to download the index (, more on indexes later). Then load the BAM into IGV.
how do the browsers display the same data differently?
BAM files are compressed in a very specific way. To read them correctly, we need to use the samtools program. See the More on installing programs section for ways of installing it (either manually, load a module on Biowulf, or conda install samtools). Then, use the samtools view program to view it (hint: probably want to pipe to head or less).
Hint: the column command helps nicely print tab-delimited files, and the -S argument to less ignores wrapping. So a convenient way of viewing BAM files on the command line is:
samtools view bamExample.bam | column -t | less -S
how many reads are in this BAM file?
We will do some more exercises on this BAM file in the samtools section.
BED files represent blocks of coordinates in the genome. While FASTQ and BAM are primarily used for sequences, BED files can represent anything that can be described in terms of genomic coordinates (chromsome, start position, stop position). This can be protein binding sites, genes, transcripts, primers, or simply loci of interest. BED files can be simple 3-column files or can be more complicated with 12 columns. Given their simplicity they are probably one of the most common of the interval formats.
BED format description: Be sure to try out the examples there as well to visualize BED files. Try changing the example files to see how the visualization changes.
Here’s another BED files to experiment with. These are ChIP-seq peaks for a protein called CP190 in Drosophila:
how many peaks are there?
how many peaks are there on each chromosome?
GTF and GFF¶
While BED files can represent genes, there is no good way for a BED file to represent hierarchical relationships between features. However GTF and GFF files do allow this. For example they can encode which exons belong to which transcripts and which transcripts belong to which gene. Even though each individual line is not much more complex than a BED file, the file overall is more complicated due to the hierarchical connections between lines. GTF and GFF files are most commonly used when when counting reads in genes during RNA-seq analysis, though any time you’re working with gene annotations they are likely to be found in GFF or GTF format.
GTF format description:
GFF format description:
To practice, try the GTF example on UCSC: Note that UCSC’s GFF format is a really old version of the format; converting a typical GFF to work on UCSC is outside the scope of this exercise.
Here’s another example file. This will not work directly in UCSC, but you can look at it in the command line (note it is gzipped):
how many features?
what is the most common feature type?
Parsing the attributes field of GTF/GFF gets pretty annoying; we’ll hold off on that for now.
VCF files are used for storing variant information and the additional metadata that goes along with it. Typically, any kind of variant-calling involves VCF files.
VCF format description: Lots of details and terminology here!
To practice, scroll down to Example #1 on this page to visualize:
That example has a lot samples; a smaller one that’s easier to look at is In that example:
which line has a quality score <10?
which variant has the highest total depth of coverage?
which variant has the highest genotype quality?
Standard tools¶
BAM files are compressed in a very specific way. To read them correctly, we need to use the samtools program. See the More on installing programs section for ways of installing it (either manually, load a module on Biowulf, or conda install samtools). Then, use the samtools view program to view it (hint: probably want to pipe to head or less).
Hint: the column command helps nicely print tab-delimited files, and the -S argument to less ignores wrapping. So a convenient way of viewing BAM files on the command line is:
samtools view bamExample.bam | column -t | less -S
how many reads are there in this BAM file?
make an index for the BAM file, and then load the BAM file into IGV
how many unmapped reads are there in this BAM file?
how many reads on the plus strand, how many on the minus?
how many reads are there on chromsome 21, between these coordinates: 21:33019966-33020000
are there sequences in the header that have no reads?
Generally the first, quick step for quality control (QC) of sequenced files is to run FastQC on each FASTQ file. It’s pretty straightforward to run, either through a GUI or from the command line. Try checking the example FASTQ files from the fastq section above.
Any time you’re working on genomic intervals, whether they’re stored in BAM, BED, GTF, GFF, or VCF, you should be reaching for BEDTools. There are many subprograms of BEDTools, and you’ll eventually want to familiarize yourself with them all.
Aaron Quinlan, the author of BEDTools, has a tutorial available at It’s well worth your time to go through this and understand how the tools work. Especially useful are the “puzzles” at the end which will test your knowledge.
How many reads in the fastq? zcat sample1.tiny_R1.fastq.gz | wc -l
gets the line count (using zcat to uncompress on the fly), but then we
need to divide by 4 since one record takes up 4 lines. A tricky way of
doing this all in one line is the following, which takes advantage of
echo’s arithmetic expansion with the $(()) syntax:
zcat sample1.tiny_R1.fastq.gz | echo $((`wc -l`/4))
To tie everything together, add examples of figures from papers, and explain how all of these steps come together.
For genomics, write the following:
Aligners (Bowtie2, HISAT2, BWA, STAR)?
Links to example RNA-seq and ChIP-seq workflows (possibly from
bedGraph, wig, bigBed, bigWig, chromsizes
example RNA-seq and ChIP-seq bash scripts scale that up to Snakemake workflows?