Bulk RNA-seq analysis¶
RNA-seq measures what genes are transcribed. We typically differentiate between bulk RNA-seq (measuring transcripts from many cells mixed together) and single-cell RNA-seq (keeping track of which transcript measurements came from which cell). This page is about bulk RNA-seq.
Harvard Bioinformatics Core training materials¶
These tutorials are the best way to learn RNA-seq:
TUTORIAL 1: Introduction to (bulk) RNA-seq using High-Performance Computing. This walks you through the primary processing, mostly using command-line tools.
TUTORIAL 2: Introduction to Differential Gene Expression Analysis. This walks you through differential expression analysis in R.
Note that these have prerequisites of Introduction to shell and Introduction to R respectively.
Upon completing those two tutorials, you will be able to run arbitrary RNA-seq analyses, and you may be ready to learn Snakemake and either write your own workflows or use something like lcdb-wf.
The Harvard Bioinformatics Core tutorials sometimes change locations or get updated or split. The above links are checked periodically for correctness, but if you can’t find the linked tutorials, look around on their main training page.
These tutorials make some assumptions about using Harvard’s high-performance compute cluster, O2. There are commands related to installing or activating software that you will need to adapt to your local HPC or other computing environment.
We have not rewritten these tutorials for NIH’s Biowulf, for example.
Skills for RNA-seq¶
This gives a very rough sense of what beginner/intermediate RNA-seq skills might look like:
Level 1¶
Be able to describe the lines and fields of the following formats: FASTQ, FASTA, BAM, GTF
Be able to compare and contrast the same formats (what information is included/missing; how are they created; when you would use them)
Locate and prepare reference data (including aligner/pseudoaligner indexes)
Run FastQC on FASTQ and BAM files
Align reads with STAR, HISAT2, or other aligner and quantify reads with featureCounts
Quantify reads with Kallisto or Salmon
Import a counts table into R
Run basic 2-condition DESeq2 differential expression analysis
Find the most highly-changed genes
Plot an MA plot or volcano plot
Export results to TSV or Excel
Do functional enrichment analysis to find pathways enriched in changed genes
Level 2¶
Run QC using multiple tools (preseq, rRNA contamination, Picard, RSeQC, MultiQC)
Interpret QC reports to make suggestions for future bench work
Interpret raw p-value histograms
Be able to describe what fold-change shrinkage is doing
Be able to describe how DESeq2 handles low counts
Work with more complex experimental designs (batch effects, interaction terms) in DESeq2 and explain the results
Visualize data (bam, bigwig) in a genome browser
Using automated reproducible workflows (Snakemake, Nextflow, etc)
Other resources¶
The remainder of this page goes into some more detail on various aspects of RNA-seq analysis, to be used as supplemental material.
The introductory paper Hitchiker’s guide to expression analysis is co-authored by many big names in the field and gives a great overview and history.
The DESeq2 paper, while going over the details of the popular differential expression algorithm, is very approachable even for someone with not a lot of math/stats/algorithm background.
If you’ve done the tutorials above, you will have seen the experimental planning considerations section from HBC training, which is a very good discussion on how much to sequence (more samples or more depth?), how to avoid a confounded experiment, and preventing batch effects in general.
Especially when doing in vitro research with cell lines, it’s important to think about what a replicate really is. This blog post is a good discussion of the difference between technical replicates and biological replicates in vitro.
A library may be stranded, reverse stranded, or unstranded depending on what kit was used for the library prep. These figures help visualize the different strand-specific protocols. If you’re unsure, RSeQC’s infer_experiment.py can help you figure it out given a BAM and a BED file of genes. The Griffith lab’s post on strandedness also includes which library prep kits result in which kinds of libraries.
We base part of our RNA-seq template off of the Bioconductor RNA-seq workflow, which shows all the steps of RNA-seq from within R.
In BSPC, we develop and maintain lcdb-wf, which automates much of RNA-seq, and provides an extensive RMarkdown file for downstream analysis.
The DESeq2 vignette is the authoritative source on how to use DESeq2.
The DESeq2 paper is very well written, and describes how DESeq2 is actually working
A nice treatment of interaction terms, along with plots to help understand what’s being tested.
For complex experimental designs, this tutorial shows an elegant, general method for creating the proper contrasts.
You may have heard the terms RPKM, FPKM, RPM, and TPM. Which to use? Short answer: use TPM. Longer answer, with figures, is here: https://ro-che.info/articles/2016-11-28-rna-seq-normalization. The accompanying slides are useful for discussion.